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Living in Seldovia
Independence Day in Seldovia!
Join us for a great day in Seldovia! The weather is FINE! The folks are FRIENDLY and the activities are FUN!
June is Summer Solstice Month and there's a lot going on...
Seldovia, Radio, Summer solstice, Boardwalk Hotel Pub & Grill, Seldovia Property, Rainbow Tours
June Membership Meeting
June meeting, Seldovia, Chamber of Commerce, Seldovia Chamber of Commerce
The final spot - featuring Central Charters & Tours, Sel...
Seldovia, Memorial Day Weekend, Central Charters & Tours, Seldovia Fishing Adventures Bed and Breakfast, Sea Parrot Inn and Perry's Cafe...
Seldovia Bay Ferry, Central Suites of Seldovia and Dillo...
Seldovia, Seldovia Bay Ferry, Central Suites of Seldovia, Dillon & Dillon Timber, Memorial Day Weekend, Human Powered Fish Derby, Seldov...
Navy Harbor Brass Quintet will be in town and performing...
Seldovia, United States Navy, Harbor Brass Quintet, Seldovia Arts Council, The Alaska State Council on the Arts, Seldovia Village Tribe
Radio Spot features local businesses: Rainbow Tours, Bo...
Seldovia, Rainbow Tours, Boardwalk Hotel Pub & Grill, Seldovia Property, Summer, Memorial Day Weekend, Seldovia Chamber of Commerce
Summer in On! Central Charters brings 70+ folks to Seld...
Seldovia, Seldovia summer, Central Charters, Seldovia Visitors
Seldovia is on the Radio - You Otter Be Listening!
Seldovia Chamber of Commerce, Seldovia, Memorial Day Weekend, Alaska Air Taxi, Seldovia Alaskan Fishing Charter, Linwood Bar & Grill
Human Powered Fish Derby - This weekend!
Seldovia, Fish Derby, Human Powered Fish Derby, Fish Fry, Potluck, Seldovia Fun
May Meeting - AT THE BOARDWALK HOTEL - Thursday, May 2, ...
May's Seldovia Chamber of Commerce Meeting
Photo Contest Winner 2019 - Holly Martinson
Seldovia Chamber Photo Contest Winner - Holly Martinson
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